OCR A Level Maths: Pure

Revision Notes

10.1.2 Change of Sign Failure

Change of Sign Failure

When can the sign change method fail?

  • There are certain circumstances where achange of signfails to appropriately reflect the number or existence of roots
  • If the interval istoo largethere may be more than one root within it
    • An偶数根smean roots are missed entirely as a sign change is not identified
    • Anodd number of roots ( > 1 )may mean not ALL roots are identified

  • In adiscontinuousa sign change may occur which is not caused by a root but by anasymptote
  • If a function接触到轴but does not pass through it there would be a root but no sign change

Change of Sign Failure Diagram 1, AS & A Level Maths revision notes

Worked example

Change of Sign Failure Example, AS & A Level Maths revision notesChange of Sign Failure Example Solution, AS & A Level Maths revision notes

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Lucy has been a passionate Maths teacher for over 12 years, teaching maths across the UK and abroad helping to engage, interest and develop confidence in the subject at all levels. Working as a Head of Department and then Director of Maths, Lucy has advised schools and academy trusts in both Scotland and the East Midlands, where her role was to support and coach teachers to improve Maths teaching for all.